Comunicații fără fir avansate/ Advanced wireless communications
Despre program
Program Objectives:
To provide the theoretical and applied knowledge for engineers in the field of wireless communications. They should have a vision at the system level and conduct designing procedures by highlighting different levels of a wireless system or a wireless communications network, from the physical layer to the application layer. The focus will be particularly on the physical layer, which has to get an adequate level of reliability of the communication link that ensure the required level of application quality of service (QoS) as well as mobility. Due to the special dynamics of the concerned areas, it is aimed at combining all principle aspects regarding the latest technological trends. These objectives can be achieved through: – Increasing knowledge of the electronic and telecommunications bachelors (graduated engineers) in the field of radio communications; – Creating conditions for exchanging both students and teachers between universities and for putting them in touch to the latest concerns in Europe and the world by developing teaching in English; – Attracting major economic players in the industry (operators, equipment development companies, application developers, regulatory bodies and other companies interested in wireless communications and mobility access systems) in preparing students in this field. Based on some informal discussions Orange and FreeScale are interested in the development of this program.
Științe Inginerești
telecomunicații și tehnologii informaționale
Tehnologii şi sisteme de telecomunicaţii
1 ani
IF - cu frecvență
Cursuri pe care le vei parcurge
- Optimization Techniques and Random Signals in Telecommunications
- Advanced Communication Networks
- Protocols and Services
- Advanced Digital Signal Processing Techniques
- Mobile Communications Systems
- Criptography and Security in Communication Networks
- Research Activity and Practical Work
- Advanced Data Transmission Technologies
- Access and Broadcasting Digital Radio Technologies
- Software Defined Radio and Programmable Circuits Design
- Digital Video and Multimedia Processsing
- Embedded Systems
- Advanced Telecommunications Networks - Project
- Research Activity and Practical Work S2
Intra in familia Educativa
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Alte programe din domeniul
Științe Inginerești, în Bucuresti
- Biocombustibili, Biorafinării și Tehnologii ConexeFacultatea de Chimie Aplicată şi Ştiinţa Materialelor
- Program de bazaFacultatea de Matematică şi Informatică
- MecatronicăFacultatea de Utilaj Tehnologic
- Inginerie structurală
- Ingineria și Managementul Sistemelor BiotehniceFacultatea de Ingineria Sistemelor Biotehnice
- Software Engineering – Ingineria sistemelor de programeFacultatea de Inginerie în Limbi Străine
- Surse Regenerabile de EnergieFacultatea de Energetică
- Concepţie şi management în producticăFacultatea de Inginerie Industrială și Robotică
- Ingineria MediuluiFacultatea de Hidrotehnică