Securitatea informatică (IT&C Security)
in cadrul Academia de Studii Economice din Bucureşti (ASE), din Bucuresti, Muntenia
Despre program
The IT&C SECURITY MASTER – ISM program is organized since 2005 within the Department of Economic Informatics and Cybernetics ( | from Bucharest University of Economic Studies. Our Mission Sharing theoretical knowledge and practical technological transfer from IT&C Security field among the developers, administrators, project managers and users of the electronic devices eco-system.
Our objectives and goals Rising the security and reliability level of development and deployment of e-Systems taking in consideration the risks of cyber-attacks and specific issues. The education of high level specialists in IT&C and Informatics Security. ISM Features The ISM program has 4 semesters, 120 credit points (ECTS), it is in English language and it is ARACIS certified. The lectures are performed mostly in the week-end time.
The lectures are in modules mode. A subject matter is debated during 2 or 3 week-ends. After these week-ends the entire table of contents for the certain subject matter is finished. In the end of each school semester, there is a examination session. The diploma is issued by Academy of Economic Studies Bucharest for complete master program
The dissertation thesis are oriented to the analysis, design, development, deployment, management or audit of the security in the e-Systems from various field such as banking, telecom, government, military and industry For the lectures included in curricula there are technical papers in electronic format According with the students availability it will be developed offers for the research contracts in IT&C domain
Științe Exacte
2 ani
IF - cu frecvență
Cursuri pe care le vei parcurge
- Cryptography Basis
- Electronic Signature
- Security Standards and Protocols
- Antivirus and Virus Technologies
- Secure Applications Programming
- IT&C Security Ethical Codes
- Laws and Regulations
- Computer Network Security
- Distributed and Parallel Systems Security
- Databases Security
- Web and Cloud Applications Security
- E-Commerce and E-Payment Security
- Multimedia Security
- Cryptographic Keys Management
- Security Management in Informatics Systems
- Source Code Programming Security
- IoT (Internet of Things) and Embedded Operating Systems Security
- Mobile Applications Security
- IT&C Security Systems Design
- Security Engineering of Virtual Machines
- Compliers and Multi-Agent Platforms (AI)
- Smart Cards and Biometrics
- Software Quality Management & Assurance
- Specialty Practice
- IT&C Security Scientific Seminary
- Ethics and Academic Integrity
- Cybersecurity Audit and Ethical Hacking
- Preparation for defense of dissertation
Intra in familia Educativa
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Alte programe din domeniul
Științe Exacte, în Bucuresti
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- Matematici aplicate în finanțe și asigurări. Analiză matematică. Modelare matematică în mecanica mediilor continueFacultatea de Matematică şi Informatică
- Optică, laseri şi aplicaţiiFacultatea de Fizică
- Matematică informaticăFacultatea de Matematică şi Informatică
- InformaticăFacultatea de Matematică şi Informatică
- Matematici aplicateFacultatea de Matematică şi Informatică
- Securitatea sistemelor informatice şi a reţelelor informaţionaleFacultatea de Informatică
- Fizică medicalăFacultatea de Fizică
- Baze de date și tehnologii web (IFR)Facultatea de Matematică şi Informatică